Pixel Addict
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Stitch
When I got this stitch done it was in March, towards the end. I forget the exact day or date. What basically happened was I was helping a customer get an item out of a glass case. As I was closing the case the glass jumped off track and fell on the inside of the case to the to the bottom bottom of the case. Just to be clear there was an identical sliding glass door beneath this one. So when the glass jumped off track it traveled a bit before it made it to the bottom. At any rate, instinctively I tried to catch the falling glass. As I reached for the glass, the impact from it hitting the bottom and my hand extended of the top created the perfect scenario for an accident. As the glass shattered a shard of glass jabbed my ring finger and opened up my skin.
When I got to the doctor, we decided that numbing the area would cause me more pain and that a stitch would go quicker if I just took the pain for a few moments. So being the stud that I am accepted the challenge! Stitch me up doc! She did and the rest is history!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A Day at Dodge’s House
Today I had to get some repairs done on my truck. I was initially slated to get the work done in Memphis’s Covington Pike Dodge dealership. The problem was that they had 19 cars and trucks ahead of me. To make matters worse the technician couldn’t guarantee he could fix my truck today. So, I called Millington’s Dodge dealership to compare my options. They were the logical choice, they didn’t have a wait time.
While I was there I decided to take some pictures and keep my blog updated! So let the games begin!
This is a limited edition Dodge Challenger #386 out 1100.
The white challenger is a rare breed as well.
These cars were sexy and I was shooting up the scene trying to find its beauty!
Like I said…I had my way with my camera today. I had a lot of fun finding different angles to express the car’s beauty!
Everything about today was good. My got some much needed repairs. The dealership gave me a demo to drive to lunch. A customer allowed me to use his laptop for as long as I liked. And the managers let me walk their inventory snapping shots as I pleased. I couldn’t have asked for a better day considering my circumstances.
Thanks Dodge of Millington! If I need anything in the future, I will drive a few extra miles and pass Covington Pike to get to you!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Nature is the ultimate panoramic shot. On this day I was looking for lines drawn in nature. I wasn't sure what lines I would find so I was looking with a open frame of mind. I wanted to blend in with my surroundings and see life as it is. I knew two things would happen. I would find man made lines and nature's lines expressing itself in ways that only nature can do.
Often times, we overlook the simple lines in nature because they are just that, simple. Today, I wanted to bring that back. I wanted to see the simple things again. I wanted to feel the burst of excitement that one would feel from the first time they experienced something they liked. So my lines search was on.
I was relaxed in my stroll. Peaceful in my exploration. Separate from a world filled with obligations and settled in a world where every thing seems to flow together naturally. I enjoyed my walk with nature because it reminded me that we really want the simple thing out of life like: to relax, to be free, to be less obligated and
and simply enjoying what life has to offer.
The lines I found are simple. Some lines are more obvious than others in their presentation. Today, I was aligned with nature!
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Enjoy these pics this week. I am working on my photographic eye, to see things poetically and artistically. As the weeks go by, I look forward to showing you the best I got. As for those sons who were in my shadows shooting away with their cameras learn what you can from me, but more importantly develop those young eyes to the your surroundings in a unique way. I enjoyed you.

Friday, February 11, 2011